
I saw no more overnight temps below 32 in the ten day forecast and did what any normal person would: I set up the outdoor shower! No more indoor showers until somewhere between Thanksgiving and Christmas, rain or shine. Cape Cod forever!

3 Comments on “Yesterday”

  1. Greetings!

    My only experience with outdoor showers has been being caught in the rain…Heh! :^) Enjoy, Spence!

    The weather in this neck of the woods will be in the mid 60s again today.

    Good day to all!

  2. But it isn’t even mid March yet.

    Outdoor showers means cold showers. No thank you. I prefer hot baths, to sit and soak the tight muscles away. Preferably with a lovely bath bomb and a book.

    But you do you. Thankfully our bodies are pre-shrunk and drip dry.

    It is National Johnny Appleseed day. I have an apple “orchard”. Or will have once my Northpole columnar apple tree arrives. Already have the hole dug and have transplanted it’s Scarlet Sentenel mate to the planter. The third is a Newtown Pippin which is already getting leaves! That’s three apples. I would love to get a Whitney crab apple but it would have to go out front in the easement as there is no more room in the back yard unless I end up takng out the Katy apricot back there. The one in the front I planted last year as blossoms this year which means apricots. The Katy in the back has never blossomed that I know of and isn’t this year, even after pruning, fertilizer and watering. I have threatened the tree that it gets one more year and if there are no blooms next year I will chop it down. We’ll see if that spurs some production.

    The persimmon isn’t showing but it looks like it might get leaves soon. The fig and plum are going to town and my Meyer lemon and orange trees are covered in buds and blossoms. I will have apricots this year because the Blenheim Royal apricot has a dozen buds and a dozen blossoms. The Red Baron peach was just pruned this week and no sign of buds but it’s a bit early. Another month and then I should have beautiful dark fuchsia blossoms in May and fruit by July.

    Along with that crabapple I was thinking I also might try cherries out front in the easement. And possibly one more apricot, an Autumn Glo. That would give me an early, mid and late season apricot. I do love apricots and the ones in the store are tasteless.

    I have one more tree to buy. A dwarf Mexican or Key lime. I have two huge glazed pots for the middle of the back oval patio and one has the mandarin in it. The other pot has nothing but a few nasturtiums left from last year. It’s citrus season so I might be picking up a tree this month or next.

    It is also National Organize Your Home Office day. As yesterday’s photo revealed, OFA has no need to organize his home office, it is perfectly organized as is. Unless he just did that to take a photo and then it reverted to it’s usual work in progress. With the new C&B so close to completion, I have to contemplate whether we shall have to wait an entire year until 2026 for it to finally be released. Perhaps OFA can enlighten us as to the process and the timeline of how a book gets published.

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