I love writing underwater scenes. Way back when I did a lot of spearfishing in the Bahamas, which involved free diving and not scuba. Scuba came up yesterday in the comments. It’s not a factor in Mrs. Plansky Goes Rogue (coming July 15, pre-orderable) but free diving most certainly is.
Mrs. Plansky had been something of risk taker in her younger days—knew how to ride a motorcycle, for example, had done some free-diving spearfishing on a spring vacation in the Grenadines with a college sort-of boyfriend where it turned out she was the superior free diver, dooming the relationship, as she’d figured out later, her misery over the break-up ending at the very moment—but these were not her younger days. Sometimes she had to remind herself of that fact!
2 Comments on “Underwater”
You go girlfriend! Dive on! You got this! These are a continuation of your younger days! No fear! (Now, Loretta, recite that back to me when I say I don’t snow ski anymore!)
Ah, Freediver. My second choice. Well, good for Mrs. Plansky that at her age she is still freediving.
Today is National Love Your Pet day. Like we need to be reminded. Every day is Love Your Pet day.
It’s also National Cherry Pie day. I’ve been considering experiments with making a single serving pie in a small pie plate. I have some 4.5 inch and 6 inch pie plates. Now I’m wondering if I can make a cherry pie with a single can of cherries.