Thanksgiving (More)

Thanksgiving comes up once – and somewhat peripherally – in A Farewell to Arfs, the most recent Chet and Bernie mystery. (For those who don’t know, Chet, the narrator is a dog – but not a talking dog. In fact, this little passage might be a good intro to the series, suppose you want to share it.)

“Okay, then,” Mr. Parsons said. “Let me just get my ducks lined up.”

Would it be true to say that I was totally on top of things up to this point? No. But no way was I expecting ducks. Where were they? I didn’t have to look around for ducks. They have a very distinctive smell—a sort of combo of down pillows and an oven getting opened on Thanksgiving morning—and there wasn’t a trace of it here in Ms. Mendez’ office. That was the moment I realized we were dealing with a tough case, if this was in fact a case, and who was paying, by the way?