Thanks …

… for all the birthday wishes yesterday. Lots of family in town, which was great. Ocean temp is perfect already.

5 Comments on “Thanks …”

  1. Since there aren’t many comments here yet, I started perusing the site a bit more in depth and found ‘Chet and Bernie Fandom’. I had read it previously, but it was a nice reminder of OFA’s connection with his readers. That’s part of the secret sauce that keeps us coming back for more. Relationships are built herein.

  2. Happy Midsummer. (Not to be confused with Midsommer.)

    It is National Almond Buttercrunch day. I think I’ll be lazy and just buy some Almond Roca.

    Now lovely day at the beach for me. Not my thing. Instead I will be picking up three bags of potting soil and a string trimmer to replace the the I have that don’t work. If all goes well, I will be able to cut some grass and weeds tonight when it cools down and thus move forward in getting my birdbath set up in the front yard. Once that is done I might move to the back yard and get some stuff done as it has been mostly neglected for the last year.

    Didn’t know there was a C&B fandom page. I shall have to check that out.

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