Tech Help

How do I add this:

To this:

3 Comments on “Tech Help”

  1. Library book. As a retired school librarian, I must say I’ve seen worse. Those are the kind we keep and put on display.

    As for the question, you don’t add it. You have to make a new one with all 15 books. You decide if you want to make the line longer with a blank spot or reform it to three rows of five columns. If I were doing it I would probably use something like Photoshop, but mine doesn’t work since Apple redid their OS to make 32 bit apps unrecognized and inoperable and I don’t subscribe to the Adobe Cloud apps. It’s also why I can’t upgrade my website because my Dreamweaver also no longer works.

    If none of that made much sense, you will probably have to have your tech guy do it, and keep in mind when the new book comes out, you might go to a four rows by four column photo montage or back to a two rows eight across.

    There are workarounds. I suppose you could put down a black tablecloth, lay all the books down on the floor, then climb up a ladder and take a photo of them with your phone. Of course, the images won’t be as crisp and uniform but it has a certain charm to it.

    You could also line them up on a shelf and take photos of the spines but then that wouldn’t display the charming cover art we have all come to love.

    Probably not the answer you wanted.


    For those so inclined, it is National Bacon Day. I prefer Canadian bacon myself, microwaved on a paper towel until it is dry and brown but not black.

    It is the Festival of Enormous Changes at the Last Minute which means you have two days left to finish this year’s To-Do list. I am getting bigger screws to hang my new gate and hoping to get it finished by New Year’s Day.

    It is also National Resolution Planning Day. For those so inclined today is the day you can start to PLAN what your New Year’s Resolution is going to be. I don’t do that any more.

    I have embraced the Baby Step™ method and I do a bit at a time until whatever it is is done. Then whatever that was is replaced with a new thing. That way I look back at the year at what I have accomplished rather than starting the year dreading impending guilt for not keeping whatever resolution there was. When I was doing resolutions I just picked one so I could concentrate on that. Now I just don’t bother anymore.

    Today is Sodium Bicarbonate day. Appreciated by both bakers and dog owners for it’s properties. Keep a box and a big unopened bottle of peroxide at hand along with some Dawn dishwashing soap if you own a dog and live in the proximity of skunks which is basically anywhere. You can’t make it in advance but if you mix it at the last minute and immediately apply, it is the only de-skunker of any merit or reliability. No, tomato juice doesn’t work unless you want a pink dog that smells like a skunk. There is no effective over the counter, pre-mixed concoction that works.

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