Soccer and Us

The soccer game from A Farewell to Arfs, the next #ChetandBernie novel (Aug. 6, preorderable) came up yesterday. Here’s a … Read More


Trivia Alert! The question – thanks, Mike Farley – was: What’s special about the rendition of “If You Were Mine” … Read More

Jumping Right In

Well, it looks like there’s some interest in seeing the beginning of A Farewell to Arfs (the next #ChetandBernie novel … Read More


The other day, commenting about the beginning of The Fan, Jim Thomsen – who knows a lot about crime fiction! … Read More

Pub Schedule +

Pub schedule: July 9 – paperback Mrs. Plansky’s Revenge August 6 – A Farewell to Arfs (the new #ChetandBernie novel) … Read More

Odysseus and Us

Odysseus! We’re back on the moon. The Chet and Bernie series is on top of this! Here, from A Farewell … Read More

Adobe (More)

First, thanks to ML for her comment yesterday re finding tiny glitches during copyediting and proofreading. Do I enjoy that … Read More


Yesterday I was going over the first pass pages of A Farewell to Arfs (the next Chet and Bernie novel, … Read More

What’s In A Name?

Ms. Publicist: We haven’t done What’s In A Name in way too long, our little feature where we discuss a … Read More

You’re Entertaining!

Thanks for all the funny comments yesterday! I intend to invoke the Philadelphia clause at every opportunity. The post was … Read More