Reason Enough

Still some questions about whether A Farewell to Arfs is the last of the Chet and Bernie series. Answer: No. If for no other reason than emails like this, which came yesterday (identifiers deleted):

“Thank you for these two amigos! I work in the [Name of State] Department of Corrections as a psychologist. I lost my best boy, [Name of Dog], on January 12th. It is not an exaggeration to say that your books have saved me! What joy they bring to me! I don’t know how you channel Chet’s thoughts, but wow!!!!”

This is humbling – I never set out to elicit reactions like this, only wanted to write entertaining stories with some meat on the bone – ha! – but similar emails come in regularly. There are rewards out there that resist quantification.

Meanwhile the book tour is being rescheduled to the end of the month. More on that soon.