
Is politics in the air these days? Lots of politics in Tender Is The Bite, one of the more recent novels in the Chet and Bernie series. That gets some readers excited! (Thanks to The Virginia Beach Public Library for this photo, taken by a puppy-owning reader.)

7 Comments on “Politics!”

  1. That probably happened while the book borrower was watching the debate. Learned the technique from the puppy, a convenient scapegoat.

  2. Happy Birthday to OFA with many more in the future. 🎉🥳
    It feels like Old Home Week given all the retro talk.
    Have a great weekend Everybody. Hugs to all.

  3. Classic Librarian photo. I’ve seen similar with chewed up “How to train your dog” and such.

    A belated birthday to OFA. I hope he spent a day doing whatever he wanted and splurged on some delectables. I’m sure his family spoiled him as they ought.

    I got busy today and totally forgot to check the blog.

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