Phriday Photos! Jilly!

Here, thanks to Rebecca, is Jilly. (Phriday Photos invites submissions! About anything!)

Rebecca (Reba) writes:

Little Jilly-Bean is a Rough-Coated Russell Terrier. She is a certified Companion Dog and a registered Therapy Dog, but her biggest talent is snuggling. She loves to teach David and me new games. Her favorite is to hide her beloved red ball by pushing it under furniture where she cannot reach it, and asking us to go rescue it for her. She is the sweetest and most tender-hearted dog we have ever had, and gets her feelings hurt if I raise my voice, jumping in my lap and kissing me, begging for forgiveness. She loves to go ‘walkies’ and knows everyone, human and canine, in the neighborhood. Who could possibly teach love better than a dog?

14 Comments on “Phriday Photos! Jilly!”

  1. Oh, Jilly sounds like the most wonderful companion. I could just reach through the screen and rub that hair belly. I have a weakness for hairy bellies.

  2. Franklin thinks Jilly is just adorable. If Freyja or Diana are reading this, please ignore.

    Interesting about the hide the ball under the couch trick. Franklin does exactly the same thing!

    1. Diana’s eyesight isn’t that great (I think she might need glasses) and Freyja is too ADD. I won’t read this to them.

      Diana doesn’t do hide the ball. She does lose the ball. Then demand whines until I get it for her, even at 2am. At 90lbs she can be very demanding and insistent. But also needs periodic reassuring hugs. My delicate little flower.

      Are you working on some photos and sharing for Wookie and Teddy? There are still some Phridays left to submit.

  3. I have one in queue already although it is a bit historical in nature, but others planned, particularly some focusing on Agent 00Wookie. Remember his motto, stirred not shaken, so as not to bruise the gin.

    1. Historical is good. Some are unfamiliar with those that have passed over the rainbow bridge.

      That’s why I shared Caesar. Goliath will be short. I should get that ready in case Peter has a lag in the queue. I didn’t find the blog until after Ramses too, I think. There is also my parent’s Candy since she and Ramses were so close.

      Freyja is BFFs with my parent’s current dog Dolly but doesn’t get to see her often. But when they do, it’s like they’ve never been apart. At the dog park, they are like conjoined twins from different mothers.

  4. Thank you, Plunderers, for your kind comments! Jilly sends kisses to each of you! I just love this new Phriday Pheature and look forward to seeing y’all in the phuture!

  5. Today is the feast day of Saint Francis. Most pet owners know who he is. I’m not Catholic but he is the one saint I truly believe was a saint on earth. I used to take the dogs to get blessed every year for a few years. While I’m not Catholic, they might be. I can’t prove that it is why Candy, an obese Labrador mix lived to almost 14 years and Ramses, a sensitive, cautious, borderline paranoid lived to almost 15 but when they passed, their souls were pure. Well, they were dogs so that’s a given.

    Diana and Dolly have been several times. I think Freyja may have gone once or twice. I don’t have many recent pics as I’ve gone alone with them and not been able to manage the leash and my phone to take any. But I do have some of Candy and Ramses in their Sunday best.

    A year from now I will send some photos and a write up in advance of St Francis Feast day so it can be posted on the nearest Phriday to October 4.

    In alignment with St Francis it is also Kindness to Animals day. Preaching to the choir as all on this here blog are kind to animals.

    Now I’m going to see if I have any taco shells for National Taco day. I’ve got everything else. Otherwise, I guess it’s flautas from the freezer.

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