Phriday Photos …

… where you the reader take the controls. Just send photo or photos and write-up or blurb to And now, over to you, Karen M  (Big Tiny), and many thanks for this. (2 cats play important roles in the next Chet and Bernie novel)

The Godfather by Big Tiny

Every multi pet household knows that there is a hierarchy, a pecking order of sorts, that exists among the furbabies. Our house of many cats is controlled by the iron paw of Putter, the CCIC. What is a CCIC, you may be asking? Chief Cat In Charge. Putter has been holding this position almost since the day he was adopted by Mom and Dad. In 2012, the lady at Mom and Dad’s bank approached Mom about taking a kitten she had adopted a couple of months previously. It seems like her human daughter was moving back home and was “allergic” to cats. This is a common story people tell any cat lover or rescuer when they have decided they no longer want to be responsible for a pet. But it was the banker who they had a relationship with and wanted to keep a nice business friendship ongoing so Mom told her “Sure, we would be happy to find him a home.”

Now, as I explained previously in my story, a cat doesn’t come into the house of many cats, get a name and leave for another home. Why then would Mom name a kitten she wasn’t planning on keeping? In this particular instance, she had just read a story about a golfer who had two dogs named Putter and Divot. She thought those were the cutest names. I guess we were lucky that Divot didn’t arrive with the kitten she began to call Putter. At 6 months of age when he arrived, Putter stepped seamlessly into the cat hierarchy. And as he grew into an adult, the previous CCIC became very ill and crossed the bridge at a relatively young age leaving a gap in the power position. Without what seemed like any effort at all, Putter took charge.

Putter takes any new addition under his control almost immediately and grooms them to be his minion. He doesn’t really care about the females in the house, but any young males are his to control with merely a look. They jostle among themselves to sleep next to him, to walk glued to his side, or just be in his presence. He can smack talk any who think they want to break from his control and he has actually had some of his minions administer physical punishment to anyone who slips too far from his power. It is these attributes that have elevated him to the position of Godfather. He is the Michael Carleone of this House of Many Cats.

Now, in case any of you are concerned about how this affects my place in the house….I am still Mom’s favorite, Putter’s top lieutenant and CCICIW (Chief Cat In Charge In Waiting). And in no hurry to take charge.

12 Comments on “Phriday Photos …”

  1. Greetings!

    Phriday Photos…And a cat is involved! :^)

    Big Tiny: Thanks for sharing this great story of CCIC, Putter. He looks like a tough dude. And quite good-looking too! (Whispering) Of course you are mom’s favorite. ;^)

    Some snow expected in this neck of the woods tomorrow.

    Create a good day!

  2. Mom submitted this story last Thursday. OFA let her know last Friday was filled but this story would post today. Boy, we did not know we would be following the beautiful, heartwarming story of Casey and his friendship with Wookie.
    The Godfather is honored.

    1. Since you have let it slip, you need to get on Mom to write up more about the other cats in the house, with photos of course. Perhaps about the previous CCIC.

  3. I look forward to Phriday Photos every week, and each time, I am amazed! Thanks, Big Tiny, for sharing Putter’s story. He looks like he has a golf ball on each side of his nose, and a tee on his forehead! Aptly named! I love Wose’s comment and I echo her whispered message! I’m smiling from ear to ear.

  4. Two cats are involved in the next C&B. What a teaser.

    I think you are absolutely correct about names. Or as it is known in the dog world, Foster Fails.

    Couldn’t find that story about Divot and Putter but I’ll bet it’s a great story.

    Putter is quite the handsome fellow. I can see how he can command the clouder with just a look; he’s got “the stare” down pat.

    I look forward to tales of all of the other cats under Putter’s domain.

  5. Big Tiny: What a terrific posting, and I can assure you that Wookie and Casey view it as an honor to have their story followed by such a heartwarming story about Putter the cat. I do have one request — could you please very nicely ask your mom when you get a chance if she would be willing to share a story or two about your predecessors on the blog, specifically Gus and BooBear, as I think those would be very special stories to hear as well.

    1. Oh, yes, please. I would love for everyone to post about previous Plunderers. I have so enjoyed reading the stories about those that I only know by names, from before I joined.

  6. There is a great article today in the Sunday Styles section of The NY Times, about what Franklin considers to be the greatest tragedy and miscarriage of justice that has ever occurred in modern times — that a golden retriever has never won at Westminster. The article is also a feature piece on Miss Boujee, currently rated the top rated golden in the country and who hopefully will break the golden retriever glass ceiling at Westminster. She is a real beauty too, or so says Franklin, and a real sweetheart. (Miss Freyja, if you are reading, pay no heed).

    1. Being an All American Dog, Freyja is not allowed to watch Westminster or any other dog show. She is much more interested in the inclusive Agility, Diving Dog, Flyball, Treiball and of course Diana is interested in Nosework, but they don’t show that on TV. Treiball and Nosework are mostly on YouTube.

      I concur with the egregious miscarriage in overlooking the generations of superior Golden Retrievers for the top dog spot in so many of these shows. I have nothing against Standard Poodles. Diana has quite a weakness for them at the dog park. But I think the most popular family dogs such as the Golden Retriever and Labrador Retriever have good naturedly (as is their nature) forgiven this oversight every year. As the years have gone by, what was a miscarriage is now a tragedy.

      Personally, what worries me is the breeding to the point of caricature. It grieves me to see those GSDs slinking along with their hips practically dragging on the ground, the bracycephalic dog breeds with noses so flat they are becoming concave, can’t breath without surgical intervention and so many with birth defects they are dumped in shelters and rescues.

      I watched the original Incredible Journey again last week. I love the English Bull Terrier. They don’t look that way any more. They’ve bred their heads to be eggs with the stop now bulging in the opposite direction, to what medical detriment I have no idea. We humans are destroying our best, most cherished companions in the quest for some perfect ideal that doesn’t and has never existed.

      I wish Miss Boujee success and a long, healthy life.

      BTW, does Franklyn ever watch Tucker Budzyn or AGuyandaGolden?

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