“It Was One of Those Winds That Have a Name.”

Today – one day only – the digital version of my very first book, The Fury of Rachel Monette, is on sale for $1.99. $1.99! Think of it. (And a member of the nation within named Garth has an important supporting role.)

2 Comments on ““It Was One of Those Winds That Have a Name.””

  1. Hey wow. Done. I had points on Amazon. And it’s already added to my Spencer Quinn collection along with The Right Side and Mrs Plansky. Chet & Bernie gets their own collection.

    It’s National Pasta day and I am having some, either with the red sauce I made or if I’m ambitious some freshly made pesto. Good either way.

    I don’t have to go anywhere today, which is lovely. Tomorrow is trash day and all of the bins that are full are ready to go out, meaning just the green bin. Tomorrow after it’s collected and I bring it back in I already have two full cans to dump into it. So today I can either cut down more of the Matilija poppy, working my way back to the alley, or I can go back to cutting down the second Sweet Bay Laurel that has to come down.

    The weather is a gorgeous 70 with sun and occasional clouds. Perfect for working outside and there are any number of things I could do.

    I could also work on the pantry or even make dog food.

    No matter what I do, I know two members of the nation within that are going to be thrilled I’m spending the day with them.

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