… everyone! So many traditions! For example, the NFL first played on Thanksgiving in 1922. And although we remember the Pilgrims and the Plymouth Colony maybe we sometimes forget the role of the Civil War, when Lincoln first made it a national holiday to be held on the 4th Thursday in November (changed to the 3rd by FDR to boost Christmas shopping in the depression). And now onto the deep fryer set up!
Rick Torres crouched under a strip of tape, came toward us, shook hands with Bernie. “Hey, Chet,” he said, and gave me a pat. “Lookin’ good. Is he still growing, Bernie?”
“Hardly seems possible,” Bernie said. “This is my son Charlie. Shake hands with Sergeant Torres, Charlie.”
Rick held out his hand. Charlie gazed down at the ground.
“I won’t bite,” Rick said. Of course he wouldn’t! Hardly any humans did, their little teeth not being much of a weapon. I did remember a perp named Clancy Green chomping on some other perp’s arm, but that was on a Halloween night, the only holiday I don’t like – Halloween brings out the worst in people, Bernie says. Thanksgiving is my favorite, except for that one time with the drumstick incident, maybe a story for another day.