
With an extra-special oversized tennis ball.

3 Comments on “Dottie”

  1. Oh, thank you so much.

    Dottie reminds me of my Caesar, except she is all black like Diana. She has Caesar’s wispy coat and warm brown eyes. How kind of you to buy her an oversized tennis ball just for her rather than leaving her your old, used, cast off regular tennis balls. Although I’m sure she’d love those too.

    Kiss Dottie on the lips from me. And Fuzzy Butt and Kissy Face.

    Diana has a thing about tennis balls. I was buying her oversized ones but they didn’t last long as she would squeeze them in her mouth and eventually pop them at the seams, then they didn’t squeak anymore and were boring. I went back to regular sized and she loves to carry one around in her mouth.

    Happy Rosh Hashanah to those celebrating. “Leshanah tovah tikatev vetichatem;” and “Leshanah tovah tikatevee vetichatemee.” Enjoy your challah bread and pomegranates.

    It’s National Fried Scallops day but I will be grilling some on Saturday. Also National Kale day (hard pass) and National Pumpkin Seed day (too early).

    It is also my Mom’s 95th birthday.

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