Book Reviewer at Work

My favorite Amazon review so far of the latest Chet and Bernie novel:

“A great read and a snooze. What more could you want this summer?”

2 Comments on “Book Reviewer at Work”

  1. We had a great weather day. Mild with a gentle breeze. Tomorrow is collection and I filled my green bin and my blue bin so I’m happy as long as they empty them tomorrow so I can fill them again this weekend. I only have the largest branches left of what have pruned so far. I’ll cut them up tomorrow with the new chain saw and then prune some more branches off the tree.

    The garden continues to do well. In bed #2 the corn, beans and melons are growing quickly now. I’m hoping fast enough for me to get a second harvest. In bed #1 I’ve removed all of the corn stalks after harvesting what I could. It looks like one of my cucumbers has disappeared. There is one left hanging off the trellis ready to harvest in a little while. If it also mysteriously disappears the dogs may end up forbidden to go in the front yard, not even when I am there as they sneak stuff while my back is turned. The tomatoes continue to ripen and there are more green ones coming. The cucumbers and the melons have flowers so I am hopeful I may still get something from one of them this year.

    Today was National Chocolate Milkshake day. Not that big on milkshakes (except for Arby’s Orange Creamsicle shake which they have during the summer but stopped before the end of August. Not sure what calendar they’re using.) I did eat an Orange Creamsical bar. mild weather will continue for the rest of next week so no telling what I might get done.

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