Sunday! Beginnings! In Cat on a Hot Tin Woof, the next Chet and Bernie novel which I just finished, the Teitelbaum divorce case comes up once or twice. Since there’s a whole short story (digital and audio) about it – Tail of Vengeance – how about we look at how it starts? (Might even be good way to introduce someone to the whole series.)
“I think my boyfriend is cheating on me.”
8 Comments on “Beginnings”
Rhuh Roh!
I’ll have to go back and reread it but wasn’t the boyfriend married and cheating on the girlfriend with his wife?
It is National Goof Off day. But OFA is hardly goofing off. He is hard at work polishing the latest C&B so we can get it on time. And yet he still finds time to post to the blog.
It is also World Water day, apropos as the aquifer is of particular concern to Bernie and what concerns Bernie concerns Chet, even thought he can’t quite grasp what an aquifer is that doesn’t stop him as any concern of Bernie’s is a concern of Chet’s.
For me, it is Bavarian Crepes day and I wish there was someplace I could go to get them as I am too lazy to make them myself. Plus, time consuming and I have other fish to fry. But not fish and not frying. Mostly yard work. I have to get the rest of the roses in the front yard pruned.
Sorry we missed all those for yesterday. It was still National Goof Off day when this post went live. I guess someone wasn’t goofing off.
Looks like OFA snuck in Sunday Beginnings yesterday. Heh!
Love the audio book cover of “TOV.”
Good Sunday to all!
Celebrating National Puppy Day!
It’s also National Cuddly Kitten day.
Good day to all.
It’s National Tamale day and I have some in the freezer!
It is also Sunday so I get to sleep in without having to set the alarm to get up, unlock the gate for the mail and then bring the dogs back to lock in the back yard. Nice since I have an extra pill to take today which takes extends pill taking time by 30 minutes.
I have decided to knit a pair of socks. Got my yarn ready and have bought a “pair” of extra long circular needles as I am not only going to do toe up but am going to try, for the first time, to knit two pair at the same time, thus avoiding Second Sock Syndrome.