
On Sunday we take a look at the start of a Peter Abrahams novel, including those written under the Spencer Quinn moniker™. How about To Fetch A Thief? An elephant named Peanut plays an important role, and Chet just referred to him in the #ChetandBernie #novel I’m writing now. Note to newcomers: First, the series can be read in any order. Second, Chet, the narrator, is a #dog but NOT a talking one. One more note, because this keeps coming up. A Farewell to  Arfs is not the last of the series.

“I smell trouble,” Bernie said.

Better stop right there. Not that I doubt Bernie. The truth is I believe everything he says. And he has a nice big nose for a human. But what’s that saying? Not much.

It’s a fact that trouble has a smell – human trouble especially, sour and penetrating – but Bernie had never smelled trouble before, or if so he hadn’t mentioned it, and Bernie mentioned all kinds of things to me. We’re partners in the Little Detective Agency, me and Bernie, Bernie’s last name being Little. I’m Chet, pure and simple.

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