
Sunday? Therefore beginnings, where we take a look at the start of one of my novels. Last week we did Woof, first in my Bowser an dBirdie middle-grade mystery series (available to adults with fake ID). So today, Arf, which came next:

I awoke to the smell of bacon. Could the day have gotten off to a better start? Not to my way of thinking, even though I knew right away that this bacon was of the distant kind, not sizzling in our own kitchen here at 19 Gentilly Lane, but somewhere in the neighborhood. Certain smells – bacon, for example – have the power to pull you toward them. What with your tiny nose – compared to mine, that is – this may be news to you. Not your fault! Don’t feel bad!
I sprang off the bed, glanced back at Birdie. She was fast asleep, hair all in a tangle, crust in the corners of her eyes, and a bit of drool leaking from the side of her mouth. No one was more beautiful than Birdie. There are times when I can just gaze at her for what seems like forever. This wasn’t one of them.

4 Comments on “Beginnings”

  1. A great beginning. I really liked the Bowser and Birdie series. Bowser was very different from Chet but still as loveable. While I’m sad it’s over I loved that their was closure after the third book. All ends nicely tied up.

    Unlike Queen and Arthur that could still have some end-tying in another book. What’s the problem? Lack of interest or difficulty getting into the mind of a cat?

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