
Sunday is for beginnings, when we take a look at the start of a Peter Abrahams novel, including those written under the Spencer Quinn moniker™. Because the word Farewell has provoked a lot of questions, let me say right here that A Farewell to Arfs is NOT the last Chet and Bernie novel. I’m a third of the way through the next one! Here’s how A Farewell to Arfs starts. For newcomers, Chet, the narrator, is a dog. BUT NOT A TALKING ONE!

Who wouldn’t love my job? You see new things every day! Here, for example, we had a perp clinging to a branch high up in a cottonwood tree. That wasn’t the new part. Please don’t get ahead of me – although that’s unlikely to happen, your foot speed and mine being … very different, let’s leave it at that with no hurt feelings.

4 Comments on “Beginnings”

  1. I had no idea you trade marked the word moniker. I shall be sure to give you credit should I use it in the future.

    Ross Taggert did trademark the baby step™ method. It’s basically the eat an elephant method of getting anything done now that many of us have “crested” or in our senior years.

    It is “Still Need to Do” day. I’ve already got my 2025 list of things that still need to get done. I may not complete it but then it will simply be recycled for 2026 with new things added to replace those that have been accomplished.

    Today, I’m starting to assemble my gate. Two days just getting the pieces treated with the bug preventative and two coats of the stain sealer. Took three hours just to do all of the pieces with a first coat of that sealer. We’ll see how far I get before dark but today it should be like an erector set.

    Tomorrow I am going to shop for a real Filet Mignon. Going to make one for New Year’s.

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