
Sunday is for beginnings, where we take a look at the start of a Peter Abrahams novel, including those written under the Spencer Quinn moniker™. I’m a believer in hitting the ground running. Here’s the start of Of Mutts and Men, a #ChetandBernie novel. Thanks to our secret process (patent pending) the series can be read in any order.

A rooftop chase? Who’s got it better than me ?

Chasing down perps is what we do, me and Bernie. We’re partners in the Little Detective Agency, Little being Bernie’s last name. I’m Chet, pure and simple. When it comes to chasing down perps, rooftop chasing is what you might call a specialty within a specialty, if you see what I mean. And if you don’t then … then actually I’m right there with you. The point is that rooftop chases don’t happen often, so when they do you’ve got to enjoy them with all your heart. No problem. Enjoying with all my heart is one of my best things, right up there with leaping and grabbing perps by the pant leg.

(Note to ML re apples: have you ever tried Macouns?)


2 Comments on “Beginnings”

  1. My tree yields Braeburn apples, which are just about perfect IMHO. I have never heard of Macouns. We had another tree, which had to be taken down, that also had tasty apples. The name started with ‘s’, but I can’t remember the whole name. Good luck finding or growing your fave, ML!
    As for C&B, love those trademarks and patents!

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