Phriday Photos

As visitors to this blog know, posting pictures in the comments isn’t possible. So the idea has been floated for … Read More

Cars and Books!

Today at 9 AM ET I’ll be discussing cars on the monthly book show with my friend retired librarian Jill … Read More


Re yesterday’s comment by ML on the fact that commenters can’t post pictures on the blog. I’ll look into this … Read More


The digital version of Mrs. Plansky’s Revenge for $2.99! From now until not very long from now!


Sunday! Beginnings! Since a cat named Miss Kitty may play a role in the next Chet and Bernie novel (starting … Read More


Amazon reviewers can be entertaining. Here, from yesterday, on Mrs. Plansky’s Revenge. (I may refer to this at my talk … Read More


Tomorrow from 11AM-noon I’ll be at the South Yarmouth Library on old Cape Cod, talking about what my grandmother called … Read More


Reader Mike Farley liked this passage from A Farewell to Arfs, the latest Chet and Bernie novel. (Iggy lives next … Read More