
Sometime little aperçus want to squeeze themselves into the story. Generally I close the door. But not always: Some people … Read More


Or, as I think of her, ML. Readers of this blog probably have seen her comments – always informative and … Read More

Noses (More)

On Sunday Vickie Burke was in Tehachapi with Chilo for the NASDA (North American Sport Dog Assoc.) trials listening to … Read More


Yesterday reader Vickie Burke mentioned NASDA trials (for sport dogs). That put us in mind of this little passage from … Read More


Normally on Sundays we do beginnings, taking a look at the start of a Peter Abrahams novel – including those … Read More

Fergus (More)

Many thanks to Freddi Fullington Martinez for this info on Fergus, Chet’s May Friend of the Month. (A signed copy … Read More

Thank You, Readers!

Readers sometimes send in photos like this. I like that a lot. Without readers …

Meet Fergus!

The random # generator speaks: “Fergus!” That makes Fergus (described in the caption as the “Santa Fe mini-werewolf”) Chet’s friend … Read More