And Still More of the Team

This guy hangs around but no one knows what he does, exactly. Below, the other team members, already covered this week.

6 Comments on “And Still More of the Team”

  1. Hmmm. That looks like the Team Captain to me.

    Perhaps a few past members of the team that have moved up to new jobs at the “Commissioners” office?

    Good Yule to all.

  2. Greetings!

    Looks like OFA and Dottie are wearing the team colors! :^)

    Had a bit of snow overnight, but the sun is out now.

    Good afternoon to all!

    1. I’ve always felt that those Hawaiian shirts that Bernie wears are influenced by a certain author’s fashion choices.

      Also love of baseball.

  3. I can think of one more current team member: Mrs. Abrahams, who came up with the concept of a doggie detective who shared his thoughts with readers. Her title could be ‘creator’ maybe. Kudos to her! ❤️

    1. True. But I think she is camera shy. Or could be that was a one-off and she makes it a policy not to interfere with his work with suggestions.

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