On Sunday we take a look at the start of a Peter Abrahams novel, including those written under the Spencer Quinn moniker™. How about To Fetch A Thief? An elephant named Peanut plays an important role, and Chet just referred to him in the #ChetandBernie #novel I’m writing now. Note to newcomers: First, the series can be read in any order. Second, Chet, the narrator, is a #dog but NOT a talking one. One more note, because this keeps coming up. A Farewell to Arfs is not the last of the series.
“I smell trouble,” Bernie said.
Better stop right there. Not that I doubt Bernie. The truth is I believe everything he says. And he has a nice big nose for a human. But what’s that saying? Not much.
It’s a fact that trouble has a smell – human trouble especially, sour and penetrating – but Bernie had never smelled trouble before, or if so he hadn’t mentioned it, and Bernie mentioned all kinds of things to me. We’re partners in the Little Detective Agency, me and Bernie, Bernie’s last name being Little. I’m Chet, pure and simple.
2 Comments on “Beginnings”
I love this beginning. :^)
Good afternoon to all!
Peanut is such a great name for an elephant for all sorts of reasons. Excited for the day Chet discovers his last name is also Little.
The rain has stopped and the weather is looking nice this coming week. Stuff is going to get done in the yard and I’m hoping to finally see my persimmon and Scarlet Sentinel columnar apple leaf out. The Northpole columnar apple is supposed to arrive this week and the hole is already planted. That pretty much completes my orchard unless I decide to purchase a Mexican “Key” lime for my last huge glazed pot. Then I can’t buy any more trees unless I start to plant them in the easement along the street. I’ve been considering it. I’d like one last apricot, a late season Autumn Glo. I’d also like a Whitney Crab apple and an English Morello cherry, maybe another cherry. Four trees is all that would fit. I did plant one tree once and it was picked to shreds by pedestrians. They would walk by and tear a leaf or a branch off, like they were picking flowers. Only with trees, it doesn’t necessarily grow back. So not sure I want to invest in trees for a vulnerable area. I tried roses but when they were small they were stepped on and the few that got a little bigger they would stuff cans and trash in when they cleaned out their cars. Same thing happened with the junipers. Empty oil bottles, paper bags with the remains of lunches, shoes. The neighborhood has improved a bit so I might give it a try, but the high schoolers still walk by twice a day and cars are always parked there.
The dogs haven’t been able to go to the park for several weeks because of the rain. If it rains on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, no park for them as I don’t want them getting muddy. It is supposed to be sunny all this week so they get to go to the park on Friday. I call them Freyja Fridays.
For me, I’ve got a limited window of really nice soft dirt to dig in so much will be done this week, I hope with the addition of the Northpole columnar apple tree, the mate to the Scarlet Sentinel. I am assured it is being shipped this week. I just removed a monster volunteer African Umbrella plant and I hope to make further inroads to reclaiming the back half of my yard all the way to the alley fence.