One More Time!

Once again I’m being asked if A Farewell to Arfs is the last of the Chet and Bernie series. Answer: NO! But I can see now that I was asking for it. No such problems I hope with the next one: Cat on a Hot Tin Woof. Which should be finished in about 2 weeks! If I get back to work. Like right this very second!

The digital version of A Farewell to Arfs is at $2.99 all month. A good way to introduce a newcomer to the series? You be the judge!

Cat on a Hot Tin Woof was first suggested by someone whom readers of this blog will know. She gets a signed copy of the new book on pub day.

9 Comments on “One More Time!”

  1. Greetings!

    Looking forward to reading “Cat on a Hot Tin Woof”, and relieved to know it will not be the last of the C&B series. :^)

    Grizz and I are getting our taxes done today…Yeep!

    A very nice spring day in this neck of the woods.

    Create a good day!

    1. I used Turbotax and did my taxes as fast as I could and e-filed to get my refund asap before I might possibly not get my refund. Hope the IRS is still standing when you submit yours.

    2. Our taxes are done! I had to do them for the first time this year and it really stressed me out! The accountant sent me a 17 page booklet to fill out!

  2. Oh, boy. Another cat is involved. Now we know where those missing Saturdays are spent. Feel free to miss a few more days if it means the new C&B release date can be advanced a bit.

    This here blog? Can we guess? I’ll bet it was Big Tiny.

    A big shout out to National Landline Telephone day. I am a big believer in landlines. They work when cell towers don’t. They are very important and I support them for many reasons. One is that when my house was robbed and my purse was stolen with my cell phone in it, because of my landline I could call the police, cancel all of my credit cards, call my insurance company, have the locks changed on the house and the car because they had all of my keys including my car fob and basically do everything that needed to be done within 30 min. Yes they were in the house while I was sleeping in the bedroom. The only reason I knew was Ramses was barking. When I finally got up to see why he was fussing I discovered the thefts. Thankfully they didn’t harm him but scared them away. That landline saved me. I could order a new phone and credit cards but they would take a week to 10 days so I depending on my landline, my passport because they had my driver’s license, and my checkbook. Yes, I have a checkbook too. The younger generation may scoff at such old fashioned methods but just wait until it happens to them. I spent a month on the phone cleaning up that mess. Every night I prayed the thieves contracted resistant to everything MRSA. What can I say? I am half Italian and we have a revenge gene.

    It is also paper money day. I had some $2 bills stashed in my checkbook. They got me through until I could get to the bank. Big believer in paper money and coins too. Even the penny.

    1. I’m so sorry you went through that! We were broken in on, at night, while we were in bed, too! Gutsy young thieves! David woke up and yelled at them. The only thing they got was David’s cell phone, tying this all up with a bow. Police found it a few yards down.

    1. Yes, Big Tiny, it was meeeee! Yay!
      And the good Lord knows I needed a bit of joy. David’s Parkinson’s diagnosis has recently been revised to Lewy Body Dementia, and he was prescribed palliative care.
      Thank each of you for the bright spots you provide, especially OFA. Might I guilt you into providing Phriday Photos for upcoming Phridays? ❤️

      1. Oh, I am so sorry. I know what Lewy Body is. I looked it up when Bruce Willis got a diagnosis.

        I’ll get a Phriday Photos post out in case OFA needs a back-up.

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