This little scene came up on FB yesterday:
Very soon we were outside, the early morning air still and cool, perhaps even cold, although not to me, both of us making breath clouds but only me making yellow holes in the fresh white snow. That was when I knew this day would be something else. Digging had always been one of my best things, but now I, Chet, had discovered how to dig holes with pee. Life, already good, just keeps getting better. That’s one of my core beliefs.
7 Comments on “Hole Digging Methodology”
Core beliefs!! You go, Chet!!!
I always chuckle when I read this excerpt. I love that Chet has discovered how to dig holes with pee. :^)
A spring-like day in this neck of the woods.
Good evening to all!
Hmm. Suppose that depends on the purpose of the hole.
Both Diana and Freyja like to dig a hole and then lay in the nice, CLEAN, cool earth.
Not sure a pee hole would satisfy the requirements.
Franklin views the entire exercise as more one of a creative artistic undertaking than an excavation effort. In other words, peeing on snow is to creatively color the snow yellow in interesting patterns and shades rather than simply creating a hole.
Franklin has the soul of an artist!
When you have the soul of an artist you create with the materials you have at hand, or….whatever.
Just be careful not to collect snow for snow cream around any of those yellow holes!