
Got this very interesting email that I’ll now quote from (with permission from sender). The subject line was Chet Therapy:

Thought you might be interested and enjoy learning how your books help people. I am a bit of an overthinker and tend to have negative self-talk. I started keeping notes in my phone of all the Chet quotes that were so great for inspiring self-compassion, mindfulness, contentment, and more! I am not done reading all of the books yet but this is what I have so far. I open this on my phone almost daily to read and remind myself to think more like Chet.
“I thought that over from several angles, which took practically no time, and settled on thinking about it from no angle at all, my usual MO.”
“I gave myself a good shake. Always a nice way of making a fresh start.”
“When you’re here you’re here!”
“And lucky for me that memory broke into pieces and disappeared. Whew.”
“I pushed all of this out of my mind – whoosh, just like that, a nice feeling.”
“Had something just been bothering me? Whatever it was: poof!”
“…I hopped right up on that tiny shelflike thing in back. How come? No clue. Sometimes I just do things. One of Bernie’s rules is to not overthink. I’m totally with him on that.”
“My mind shrank away from the thought. Always a surprisingly nice feeling when my mind did that: I had one of those minds that was on my side, if you know what I mean, which I actually don’t.”
“It’s all in the timing, of course – Bernie often talks about timing – and here’s how I handle timing: I don’t even think about it.”
“I tried to forget it, couldn’t, then tried again, and succeeded with whatever it was.”
“…proving there’s good in everything; one of my core beliefs.”
“That was a worrisome thought. I tend to stay away from worrisome thoughts, like to spend my time in the here and now.”
“So I had no more thoughts about it – I can shut down my thinking just like that! Sometimes it doesn’t even wait and shuts down all by itself. Who has it better than me?”

(Any more out there?)

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