
I loved pirate stories as a kid. Looks like it never went away. Here, a sneak peek inside Mrs. Plansky Goes Rogue, coming July 15 and pre-orderable this very minute:

The gold rectangular object with the rounded end stood right in front of her eyes, leaning against a twisted clump of seagrass. She could reach out and touch it, which she did. It felt like metal, which she expected and was not particularly interesting, but how it looked? Oh, my. It was dazzling.


5 Comments on “Tee-Tee”

  1. Greetings!

    What could that dazzling gold rectangular object with the rounded end be?

    Still cold here and the snow that has been talked about all week looks like it will avoid this neck of the woods tomorrow.

    Good afternoon to all!

  2. Very cold in North Texas! And we are not used to it. We just recovered from all the snow in January and here we are in February with record cold. Only flurries of snow though.

  3. Mrs. Plansky can scuba dive? I’m assuming? Well, I suppose if you live in Florida…..

    Rectangular and round at one end. I don’t think that is the way they made gold bars back in piratey days but I haven’t done my research.

    Today is National Coast Guard Reserve day. I assume they have jurisdiction over any coastal waters where pirate booty may have been booted. It is also National Airboat day, a vehicle familiar to Florida along with a few other states.

    It is also National Chocolate Mint day, for those so inclined.

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