Pub Date

Today is pub date for the paperback of Up on the Woof Top (so it’s now available in all formats). It’s a Christmas mystery (with a touch of Hanukkah). I slipped a little metafiction in this one, but not enough to bother anyone. Timmy turns up in Chapter 22. It’s no accident that his name’s Timmy.

2 Comments on “Pub Date”

  1. Actually I liked the metafiction. I think you have a great future as a romance/mystery novelist. You even have a pen name at the ready.

    The high today will be 82. The hot weather will continue through Thursday, then drop into the mid to high 70s. Hoping for some late ripening in the garden although I will be making pesto very soon with the basil. I won’t remove the plant but just chop it down in the hopes it mght continue for a bit.

    Today my brother is 67. I received no card of phone call from him. Didn’t last year either. So this year he is getting a card, direct from Amazon. Unsigned so he can repurpose it to give to my sister whose birthday is November 1. So a card that is also a gift that can be regifted. I’m sure his wife will appreciate that.

    Today is National Make a Dog’s day. I’m sure all of us living with the nation within know exactly how to make our respective companion’s have a great day. I still have two little toys I picked up this week I haven’t given them yet, although Freyja is a pretty cheap date. All I have to do is sit and pet her for as long as she wants, which is usually forever. Diana will occasionally swing by for hugs when she is feeling it, stay a while and then she’s off on patrol again. Last night they couldn’t stop the barking so I had to get up and get dressed. It wasn’t mice or cats or an opossum. It was birds. There are birds sleeping or nesting in the Italian Cypress. Not sure what I can do about it. I’m certainly not going to stop the birds.

    It is National Color day and the two dog toys I got them are plush bones that are rainbow colored. I know they can’t see it but I can. A squeaker may also be involved, plus that crunchy filling stuff.

    Go nuts on National Nut day and don’t mind as it is also INTERNATIONAL CAPS LOCK DAY.

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