Somebody …

… forgot Phriday Photos yesterday. Perhaps that somebody was busy with the next Chet and Bernie novel, but no excuses! Next Phriday for sure! Meanwhile here is with Dottie on their second last swim of the season a few days ago. Today – Oct. 12 – is always the last one – for me, not her.

6 Comments on “Somebody …”

  1. Sweet, joyful Dottie! Is that you, Spence, out there in the water? A boat on the horizon? I imagine the water is a bit brisk now! You need a sauna to jump into! I’m so glad to see Dottie! Look forward to more members of the blog and their members of the nation within, on upcoming Fridays!

  2. Love to see Photos of Dottie! Working on the next C&b is an adequate excuse for forgetting. I’ve been meaning to send Goliath to the queue so you have plenty of phodder for Phriday Photos.

    To all those that donated to the SDHumane Walk for the Animals, they just had their Fur Ball and posted some videos. I want to share one that shows all of the great work that SDHumane does, using our secret code. (It’s on YouTube so you can subscribe to their channel.)

    www dot youtube dot com slash watch?v=TsmqpHbLzDc&t=236s

    I must say I do enjoy watching their wildlife rehabilitation and release but all of the other animals are cute too. They have full time vets on staff and a vet hospital in house. They have a food pantry and offer free and reduced services so that those with pets can keep them. Zero euthanasia for any animal that can be helped through medical treatment or behavioral training.

    It is National Vermont day. Aren’t WTAFP and Franklin still in Vermont right now?

    It is National Pulled Pork day and I think I have a bit of leftover pulled pork in the freezer.

    Also National Gumbo day which I do not care for. I do like sausage and I do like shrimp but not together and I can’t take spicy heat any more.

    For those with a set and a partner it is National Chess day and for those without it is I Love Yarn day.

    I wish anyone participating a peaceful and reflective Yom Kippur. May your name be inscribed in the book of Rosh Hashanah.

  3. ML, I am now a devotee of Humane Societies. I have a good friend who worked at the Idaho one before she retired, assessing, training, preparing dogs for adoption. She knew I planned to have little Jilly spayed, and recommended the ID Humane Society Veterinary Hospital. I was unhappy with my vet, so I took Jilly there, even though it is across town from me. I am so impressed! Jilly is home recovering, resting, and she was so well cared for! I know where my allegiance and volunteer work will be going from now on. What a fantastic resource for the nation within!

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