Up on the Woof Top!

Too soon for thinking Christmas? I hear you! But what if we throw in 70% off? Ou sont les neiges d’antan you might ask? Neige and neige to spare in this book! Long-ago unsolved crime? Check. Missing reindeer? Check. A touch of Hanukkah? Check. And all handled so well by narrator Jim Frangione. Here’s the landing page.



6 Comments on “Up on the Woof Top!”

  1. Having a wonderful time in Vermont so far; foliage is spectacular and the weather is sunny and cool. Had a four mile hike yesterday and a three mile one today on Mt. Tom, so someone was quite happy. Did have a near adventure today although fortunately ultimately nothing of more dire concern. On our way back down there was clear evidence of what appeared to be bear “droppings” on the trail that were not there on the way up, but fortunately no actual sitings. We did cover the last half mile or so in record time.

    1. Well, WTAFP, you now have definitive evidence that a wild bear does, indeed, $#/+ in the woods! It is a glorious time to enjoy Vermont. Wish I were there!

  2. It is International Beer and Pizza day and National Pet Obesity Awareness day.

    I have no idea if those two are related but seems like kinda a coincidence.

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