
Amazon reviewers can be entertaining. Here, from yesterday, on Mrs. Plansky’s Revenge. (I may refer to this at my talk this morning at 11 at the South Yarmouth Library.)

5.0 out of 5 stars “Hi, Grandma – It’s me!”

How many people have been tricked by this scam? I know it was tried on my parents, maybe about 10 years ago? The caller didn’t give his name, just said, “Grandma, it’s me. I got arrested in Florida and I need money for bail.” My mother has five grandsons — she immediately assumed it was my son Nick. 😆 Anyway, he wanted her account number so he could get the money. She said he should call back when my dad was home. I’m the meantime, she called me, and Nick, and we told her it was a scam. They called back to get the account number and my dad answered this time. He said ok, do you have a pencil? They said yes. He said, well, you can take that pencil and shove it up your ass! 😆😆😆 Still my favorite story.

Anyway, Mrs Plansky was not so lucky and there went her life savings. But she decided to get on a plane to Romania and get her money back! Hilarity ensues. A really fun book.

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