
Happy 4th, everybody! Here’s to the pursuit of happiness.

9 Comments on “4th!”

  1. Oh, my. He every has a look of joy and astonishment as he races across the sky.

    Happy 4th to all and may your furries be selectively deaf tonight.

    1. ML, how I wish the furries COULD be selectively deaf. I will don Jilly in her Thunder Shirt, though it doesn’t do much good, and, when we go to bed I will turn on the sleep sounds machine, though she hears the boom booms anyway. Long night of quaking and panting ahead!
      I do love that cloud dog! He does have a joyful expression!

  2. Along with it being Independence Day it is also Alice in Wonderland day and National Caesar Salad day.

    For those of a culinary bent, you could have some National BBQ’d Spareribs.

    I will be opting for a boneless top sirloin, baked potato, corn on the cob, garlic bread and chocolate mousse cheesecake for dessert. I will also be making guacamole. I have two artichokes but I think I will have one of them tomorrow as I suspect I will have too much food today.

    I also have cookie dough in the refrigerator, ready to bake.

    If the heat is getting to you, it is National Sidewalk Frying Egg day. I hope you are not encouraged t try that. It doesn’t end well.

      1. I usually do a more traditional hot dogs and beans or hamburger with an apple or cherry pie but the steak was on sale.

        It was all delicious. I even had some green olives. I was so full had had to skip dessert. I’ll have it tomorrow, maybe with one of the artichokes and the rest of the guacamole.

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