Happy New Year’s Eve, everybody! Walking is a good way to go – no one ever gets pulled over for WUI. And And don’t forget – it’s the last day of the month as well, so if you want to be Chet’s January Friend of the Month send in a photo. The winner’s human companion gets a signed copy of A Farewell to Arfs, the latest Chet and Bernie novel and the winner becomes the FB profile pic. The random number generator does the rest.
(thanks to ML for the somewhat challenging tech advice)
6 Comments on “2 Things!”
Good day to all.
Hard to believe we have come to the end of 2024.
Good day to all!
Thanks for the great advice, Pete! I will WUI to my celebration tonight, on my sofa!
I’m staying home so will be SUI, sitting under the influence.
But I might be sitting in the car. The dogs aren’t wild about fireworks. While they don’t go ballistic or get frantic or anything, they don’t like them and get so super clingy they are all over me. I’m thinking of the best soundproofing I might have at hand and I’m thinking….my car. It’s pretty good. So I might be sitting in the car with them for a few hours tonight.
Today I am making a cheeseball and some beef stock in preparation for tomorrow. Also eating the last of the leftover turkey from last Wednesday.
And continuing on the gate. Hinges on and swings just fine. Today I’m putting on the field of fence boards except for the last which must be cut so the cut must be treated with the preventative and stain/sealer (two coats) and each has to dry for an hour so that is three hours. I may or may not get the last board on there today. But that last board will only be about 3 inches wide so essentially the gate will finally be secure. It has been a long haul of delays for the sawing, painting, curing and just plain delays of having to go back for one more part or one more tool. Plus that time out for baking and the occasional day of rest. But it is looking fine and I am proud of having accomplished it. There are two more gates and a lot of sections of fence that need attention but this was “the big one” and it is essentially finished by the end of the year. There are still some minor things to do but it will be a secure, functioning gate by the end of the day. I am chuffed.
It is Hogmany and No Interruptions day. After USPS and Amazon, I’m locking the front gate until Thursday morning.
Wishing everyone a great last day of the year and fulfilled hopes and dreams for the new one.
Anybody need a couple of lovable miscreants to m, er, protect you from the fireworks while you hide under the bed?
Diana and Freyja would love some company. It’s dark and the fireworks just started. It’s also cold but I’m thinking I may have to bundle up, put them in the car and then drive someplace with the radio on. The car is the most sound insulated place I can think of. The house is useless.