
New from sales and marketing dept.:

“Bark to the Future will be downpriced to $2.99 for the entire month of July!”

(Downpriced is sales and marketing talk. Do they ever say uppriced? Ha!)

A couple of my own favorite little #ChetandBernie passages are in this book- if I’m allowed to have a favorite or two. (This sale is for the

E-version, across all platforms.)


5 Comments on “$2.99!”

  1. Yay! I love me a good sale. And I don’t happen to have the e-book version. Plus I have points on amazon so it was FREE! I love me some free books, especially if there are C&B.

    It is National Stay out of the Sun day. That isn’t going to happen. The best I can do is wear a hat. But I did fix the shade cover over the pergola between the garage and the house, just to make the fuchsias happy, so there is that.

    It is Air Conditioning Appreciation day. So far, haven’t needed to use it. The temps go down at night and I open the window. The ceiling fan is on 24/7 and that seems to manage the heat.

    It is National Fried Clam day (hard pass), National Eat Your Beans day (don’t have any) and National Chocolate Wafer day (don’t have any of those either).

    For those of that bent, of which there are a few on this here blog, it is National Independent Beer day. Enjoy.

    Today is cookie day. I’ll be making Dutch White Ginger and Cuccidati. I might also make some banana bread as I do have some almost ready to go. I’ll even make guacamole if I can get some fresh cilantro. Tomorrow I am planning quite the celebration. I have a steak, baked potato, corn on the cob and artichoke, plus a slice of chocolate mousse cheesecake. No mail so the front gate will be locked from after mail delivery today until Friday morning and the dogs will have free, uninterrupted run of the front yard all day tomorrow. I have any number of things to keep me busy around the house but I might make some mosaic stepping stones. With progress commencing in the front yard it’s time to get the done. If I can pour the tomorrow I might be able to install this weekend. I should pick up a bag of mortar mix today.

    1. Absolutely. But I do try to get at least one thing done each day, even if it is just watering everything. I hate hand watering but I have to do it or the pots will die. I have irrigation on timers but I have to repair it for the flower beds to get it up and running again as have changed a few things so must keep up with that so everything doesn’t die. I have a system for the raised bed garden too and will need to get that up and running since I just planted. Right now I’m just hand watering it with the flowers.

      Today I’m making cookies for my parents for the 4th of July and setting up a new printer. Tomorrow? I might get started on the stepping stones.

      Friday is dog park day or as I call it, Freyja Fridays.

  2. ML, I got my kindle edition, also with points! Yay!
    My friend’s techie hubby set up my new all-in-one desktop, and transferred my files today!
    Now, I have to acquaint myself with all the new bells and whistles. I did lose my old real estate app, which had a great address book, and calendar, but, oh well.
    Fireworks already being launched, which really freak little Jilly out.
    In any event, have a great Independence Day!

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