Noses (More)

On Sunday Vickie Burke was in Tehachapi with Chilo for the NASDA (North American Sport Dog Assoc.) trials listening to Heart of Barkness (a Chet and Bernie novel) and waiting for Chilo’s turn. And guess who won? Did we play a role? That would be a stretch! Congrats to both.

3 Comments on “Noses (More)”

  1. Greetings!

    Congratulations, Vickie and Chilo!

    Thieves!: I am wondering how your Lady is doing. Has she been in training with youse to become the third lovable miscreant? Did she pass the road test to become your new getaway car driver? ;^)

    A very nice spring day in this neck of the woods.

  2. Congrats to Vickie and Chilo. They are a team. Both accuracy and speed are usually involved and it isn’t enough for Chilo to alert but for Vickie to recognize what he is telling her and communicate that to the judges who then decide if they are correct or not. All scentwork trials are team sports between dog and handler. The NASDA has ranks of proficiency just like the AKC and NASDW.

    When it comes to teamwork, Bernie and Chet are tops. Bernie knows Chet and follows his lead and Chet is a great detective who follows his nose. Both use their intuition and curiosity, working together for an answer. No judges to call their accuracy, just a solution to a mystery.

    It’s National Teacher’s day.

    Also National Roast leg of Lamb day. I’m sure Chet wouldn’t mind at all.

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